Vedic Age History Mock Test Set-3


Welcome to your Vedic Age SET-2

Match the List-I and List-II and choose the correct answer from the code given below. List-I (Vedic Rivers) Kubha         (b) Parushni (c) Sadaneera  (d) Shutudri     List-II (Modern Name) 1. Gandak   2. Kabul 3. Ravi        4. Sutlej Code

Aghanya in Rig Veda is mentioned for

Sarga, Pratisarga, Vansa, Manvantara and Vanshanucharita are the indicators of

Who among the following   was the most popular God of the early Vedic Aryans?

The teacher who taught ‘Ved- Vedanga’ for livelihood, was called

From which Upanishad, the words   ‘Satyameva    Jayate’    have    been taken?

Match the following. List-I          Atharvaveda  (b) Rig Veda (c) Yajurveda     (d) Samaveda   List-II 1.God Grace 2.Sacrifice process 3.Medicine 4.Music Code

There is a similarity in Avesta and the Rig Veda, from which region the Avesta is related to

What is the total number of Sanskaras?

According to Hindu mythology, which serpent offered himself as a rope for churning the ocean?

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below.  List-I Rig Veda    (b) Yajurveda (c) Samaveda  (d) Atharvaveda List-II 1.Musical hymns 2.Hymns and rituals 3.Charms and spells 4.Hymns and prayers Code

Satyamev Jayate’ which is engraved on the Indian Emblem has been taken from

Gayatri Mantra is found in which book?

800 B.C.  to  600  B.C.  is  related to which era?

In the Vedic rituals HOTA is associated with the

Fundamental or basic script of the ‘Rig Veda’ was

From where the word ‘Satyameva Jayate’ taken?

The name   ‘Aghanya’   mentioned in many passages of the Rig Veda refers to

In which phase, the concept of untouchability was put clearly?

Which of the following animals was considered as ‘Aghanya’ during the Vedic period?

Match the List-I and List-II and choose your answer from the code given below.   List-I Rig Veda    (b) Samaveda (c) Atharvaveda (d) Yajurveda List-II 1. Gopatha  2. Shatpatha 3. Aitariya   4. Panchvisha Code

In context on Indian culture ‘Rit’ means

In Mahabharat by what name were the Kuninda-kings known?

The Statement ‘Tamsoma Jyotirga- maya’ was originally mentioned in

Who composed  the Gayatri Mantra?

In which language was the ‘Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ originally written?

The literal meaning of which Upanishada is white horse?

The   ‘dharma’   and    ‘rita’ depict a central idea of ancient Vedic civilization of India. In this context, consider the following statements. 1.‘Dharma’ was a conception of obligations and the discharge of one’s duties to oneself and to others. 2.‘Rita’ was the fundamental moral law governing the func- tioning of the universe and all it contained. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

The ‘Mantra’ famous with the name of ‘Gayatri Mantra’ found in which of the following scriptures?

In the context of ancient Indian society which one of the following terms does not belong to the category of the other three?

The legend of Satyakam Jabal, which challenges the stigma of being an unmarried mother, is mentioned in

With reference to the difference between the culture of Rigvedic Aryans and Indus Valley people, which of the following statements is/are correct?  1.Rigvedic Aryans used the coat of mail and helmet in warfare whereas the people of Indus Valley Civilization did not leave any evidence of using them. 2.Rigvedic Aryans knew gold, silver and copper whereas Indus Valley people knew only copper and iron. 3.Rigvedic Aryans had domesti- cated the horse whereas there is no evidence of Indus Valley people having been aware of this animal. Select the correct answer using the code given below.

Originally, the Mahabharata was known as

In the early Rigvedic period, what was considered to be the most valuable property?


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